9907-014  2301A  Speed controller
  • 9907-014  2301A  Speed controller
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9907-014 2301A Speed controller


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9907-014  2301A  Speed controller

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Wiring Instructions for 2301A Controls  Replacing Caterpillar 2301 Controls

The following 2301 speed control is no longer in production, and has been
replaced by an updated 2301A speed control (both fixed speed and variable
speed versions):
Old 2301 Recommended Replacement 2301A
Woodward Caterpillar Woodward Caterpillar
part number part number part number part number
8272-689 4W-5790 9907-014 131-5453
Refer to Woodward manual 82020 for details on control installation, operation,
adjustment, and troubleshooting.

Wiring differences between 8272-689 (4W-5790) and 9907-014 (131-5453) used
for standard wiring (fixed speed) speed control:
 Actuator connections have moved from terminals 5(–) & 6(+) to terminals
9(+) & 10(–).
 Optional external Accel Rate Capacitor removed—This function is internal
and adjusted using the Ramp Time potentiometer on the 9907-014 control.
 Terminals 15 and 16 on 9907-014 control can be used for optional SPM
Synchronizer input.
 Terminals 15(+) and 17(–) on the 9907-014 control can be used for optional
Auxiliary input.
 Optional external Droop potentiometer slider is moved from terminal 14 to 13,
and the clockwise lead is moved from terminal 13 to 14.
 Close for Rated speed and Open for Idle speed contact is moved from
terminals 9 & 10 to terminals 2 and 5.

 Optional external Droop potentiometer slider is moved from terminal 14 to 13,
and the clockwise lead is moved from terminal 13 to 14.
 If the application used the remote mounted Idle and Rated Potentiometers,
the single pole double throw Switch connected to terminals 9, 10 or 11, and
12 should be wired between terminals 2 and 5 on the control (Close for
Rated and Open for Idle).
 The Remote Potentiometer Assembly should be replaced by a single 10-turn
1K potentiometer as illustrated.
 Terminal 11 on the control is wired to the CCW lead of the Remote Rated
Speed potentiometer.
 Terminal 12 on the control is wired to the CW lead of the Remote Rated
Speed potentiometer.
Refer to Woodward manual 82020 for installation, checkout, and setting
The following procedure is for setting up the Remote Rated Speed Setting
 Install jumper between control terminals 11 and 12.
 Install single-pole double-throw switch between control terminals 2 and 5.
 Adjust Rated Speed potentiometer on the control to produce 1980 rpm.
 Open switch between terminals 2 and 5 on the control.
 Adjust Low Idle Speed potentiometer on the control to 700–1000 rpm range.
 Shut engine down, then remove jumper from terminals 11 and 12.
 Prior to attaching the Remote Rated potentiometer assembly to terminals 11
and 12, rotate the potentiometer to minimum resistance. Attach an ohmmeter
to the potentiometer leads to assure less than 5  reading.
 Attach leads from the Remote Rated potentiometer assembly to terminals 11
and 12 on the control as illustrated.
 Put switch in Rated position and verify engine goes to 1980 rpm.
 Adjust Remote Rated potentiometer for 1960 rpm.
 Put switch in Idle position, and verify that engine speed is within the 700–
1000 rpm range.

Fixed Speed Version
Woodward 2301 speed control 8272-689 (Caterpillar part number 4W-5790) is no
longer in current production. The improved standard 2301A speed control 9907-
014 (Caterpillar part number 131-5453) is recommended for replacement. Due to
internal control design differences, the customer wiring to the control terminals is
different. This application sheet illustrates the differences in wiring. Refer to
Woodward manual 82020 for control installation, operation, adjustment, and
Old Standard Wiring Speed Control 8272-689 (Cat # 4W-5790)
(Fixed Speed)
New Standard Wiring Speed Control 9907-014 (Cat # 131-5453)
(Fixed Speed)

Variable Speed Version
Old Customer Remote Idle and Rated Speed Control 8272-689 (Cat # 4W-5790)
(Variable Speed)
New Customer Remote Rated Speed Control 9907-014 (Cat # 131-5453)
(Variable Speed)
Wiring differences between 8272-689 (4W-5790) and 9907-014 (131-5453) used
for Customer Remote Idle and Rated Speed Adjustment:
 Actuator connections have moved from terminals 5(–) & 6(+) to terminals
9(+) & 10(–).
 Optional external Accel. Rate Capacitor removed—This function is internal
and adjusted using the Ramp Time potentiometer on the 9907-014 control.
 Terminals 15 and 16 on 9907-014 control can be used for optional SPM
Synchronizer input.
 Terminals 15(+) and 17(–) on the 9907-014 control can be used for optional
Auxiliary input.

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